Saturday, August 05, 2006

Crash is not a Bomb

I watched Crash for the first time this weekend. It rocked. The character connection was strong. The director allowed for slow moments, a seeming lost art in the mire of pirate and mutant movies.

I think it is telling that the movie got me to suspend disbelief and connect with multiple characters and stories in just under two hours, while I was completely indifferent to Pirates of the Carribean and they had 2 1/2 hours to get it done.

I know Pirates was more of a popcorn flick, but I still think a popcorn movie can pull you in and make you sit on the edge of your seat. Pirates, just got me to the edge of my patience. I'm not sure if there is even a phrase that refers to the edge of someone's patience, but I don't have time to look it up now.

The music was also good. Very reflective and full of ambience, which fit the movie. Mark Isham is the composer. Good stuff. Mark, if you ever need to bounce an idea off of me, I'll be glad to listen.

A few times it seemed like the racial dialogue was a tad forced. I'm not sure if every character would have turned to a racial slur in all of those instances. But, the movie makers were trying to hit that note, and there were plenty of great dialogue and emotional moments that made up for those few.

Well, as tigger said..ttfn. Ta Ta For Now.


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